November 2017 - Living Gospel Daily

PENTECOSTAL EVENTS FROM 1801 UNTIL 1907 1801 A great spiritual outpouring took place in Cain Ridge, Kentucky in this year. It happened during a camp meeting of interdenominationals, including those of Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian faiths. It became a normal thing to hear sermons full of great


THE LITTLE KNOWN MORAVIAN POPULATION BRINGS FIRST REFORMATION The Moravian Church It is simply fact that the Moravian Church cannot be ignored when looking into revival histories spanning the course of some five hundred years. Originally called the Unity of Brethren, this Church claims its origins in


REVIVAL AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY  On January 1, 1901, the very first Pentecostal revival to take place on American soil happened just on the outskirts of Topeka, Kansas. It spread much farther than this, however, as God gave the increase. Charles’ Early Life Charles Parham was

Living Gospel Daily