It seems like this LGBTQ stuff is in the news all the time anymore. So if it's the popular issue of the day that culture is talking about, we'd better make sure we know what the Bible has to say about it. And that's exactly what Franklin Graham
It seems like this LGBTQ stuff is in the news all the time anymore. So if it's the popular issue of the day that culture is talking about, we'd better make sure we know what the Bible has to say about it. And that's exactly what Franklin Graham
Actually, I guess LGBTQ is no longer good enough. Did you know about this? Yeah, it's now LGBTQQIAAP. No, really, I'm not joking. That's what they want to be called now. LGBTQQIAAP stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Allies and Pansexual, with all other
Whether you love him or hate him, you have to admit our President is making some bold moves. I tend to like most of what he's doing, especially the most recent ban on Transgender people serving in the Military. Read More: Trump Bans Transgenders from Military Read More:
Even as late as 2015, most people did not believe Donald Trump was serious in his run for President. Many laughed it off. Called it a joke. But there's one guy who didn't. Meet Mark Taylor, a prophet who proclaimed back in 2011 that God had chosen Donald
As Christians, is it ok to drink to the point of being drunk? That's a question that comes up from time to time. The Bible appears to be quite clear, the answer is no. Despite the fact that we may want to lower what the Bible says
Dan Mohler is a treasure. A name that not many people know, but they should! If you've never heard of Dan, you are way behind! In my estimation, he brings the clearest Gospel message of anyone on the face of the Earth today. Dan has a way
No, we're not predicting The Rapture. Or the end of the world. Or the start of the millennial reign. But it could be! Here at LGD, we don't typically get too caught up in signs and prophecies of end times, because let's face it, they've ALL been wrong
MAJOR warning folks! It looks like we may have another company to boycott. As reported by the DailyMail, Subway has bowed to the demands of Muslims by removing ham and bacon from over 200 stores. And here's the worse part: they've replaced it with "Halal
Oh wow, this is so sad to see. But perhaps not all that surprising. We'll get into that in a minute. According to a recent bombshell report, Eugene Peterson who "wrote" (edited is really more accurate) The Message bible, just came out in full support of gay
I so appreciate him calling this to everyone's attention. We previously covered the story here at LGD a few days ago, but you may not have seen it. In short, a major scandal has broken out as Teen Vogue just published an article promoting "anal sex"