More has been written on Ezekiel 38-39 than perhaps any other two chapters in the Bible. Why? Because they describe the great battle of Armageddon. The End Times battle. The battle of Gog & Magog. The battle in which Jesus rides in on a white horse
More has been written on Ezekiel 38-39 than perhaps any other two chapters in the Bible. Why? Because they describe the great battle of Armageddon. The End Times battle. The battle of Gog & Magog. The battle in which Jesus rides in on a white horse
I hesitated to even write this article. I didn't want to bring more attention to this topic than it deserved, but ultimately I decided it's best to let light SHINE on the darkness. Here's what happened. We recently published a tremendous sermon by Pastor Dan Mohler. Now,
Some of the most scary, confusing and flat out ignored passages in the Bible are the ones talking about the coming Great Deception that will occur in the End Times. Jesus himself warned in Matthew 24:24 that there would be coming a Great Deception so clever and
Christianity is not about winning an argument. It's about a life-changing personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But still, we are called to always be prepared to give an answer! 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who
Admit it, you love Tim the Toolman Taylor. Everybody does. When you're flipping through the channels and Home Improvement comes up, I DARE you not to watch the rest of the episode. It's just a feel good show! While Tim Allen has shaped his career around the
Exciting news to announce! For any fans of the C.S. Lewis series the Chronicles of Narnia, get ready to get excited! The fourth movie in the series is coming soon! It will be called Silver Chair, and it is being called both a sequel and a reboot
If you've ever sat down and actually read the Bible, it won't be too long before you encounter some mysteries! Sometimes you'll end up with more questions than answers. So we thought we'd start tackling some here in a series we're calling Got Questions? Let's say you
Are you kidding me? There is no mending fences with this radical, demonic ideology! How's that for a statement! It's called taking a stand, and this Pope doesn't seem able to do that
You’re going to think we’ve gone off the deep end, but I assure you we have not.
You’re going to think we’ve gone off the deep end, but I assure you we have not.