This Pope is an endless source of news.
Unfortunately, most of it is terrible.
I mean, I wish we could be talking about how the Pope is preaching Jesus, but yet he hardly ever seems to do that! Instead, he talks an awful lot about Donald
That might sound like a trick question, but I promise you it's a very important question.
It's a foundational question. An identity question.
And it's one we too often get wrong in the church.
This issue is sometimes phrased this way: I'm just a sinner, saved by
This is a horrible, horrible story.
More terrible news coming out of the catholic church.
What is going on at the Vatican? Earlier this year, a drug-fueled, gay sex orgy was busted involving one of the top aids to the Pope. The Pope is appointing Universalists
I'm sure you've heard the story of "the widow's mite".
It's the parable Jesus tells in the Bible about the widow who gives who last two coins -- all she had! -- to the offering plate.
The story is usually told by preachers in a way that uplifts
Perhaps no other family carries as much respect as the Graham family does.
Of course it all stems from the great Billy Graham.
But Franklin Graham is also a well respected preacher and activist. As is Anne Graham Lotz.
With the recent string of massive hurricanes and disaster striking
This is really a stunner.
For those of you that are not familiar with Louis Farrakhan, Wikipedia describes him as an "American religious leader, African-American activist, and social commentator. He is the leader of the religious group Nation of Islam(NOI) and served as the minister of
Birds of a feather, huh?
You might recall Hillary Clinton recently saying she wanted to become a pastor. Yes, true story!
When asked what motivated that decision, she cited her pastor, Bill Shillady, as her inspiration.
Well, I know this will shock some of you, but Hillary Clinton