Pope Francis Tells Followers To Overcome “Fear of Migrants”, Welcome Them In!
This Pope is really something. And I'm sorry but I don't mean that in a good way. Francis is pushing the open-borders, globalist migrant agenda very hard. It's funny, any time I read an article about this guy,
This Pope is really something.
And I’m sorry but I don’t mean that in a good way.
Francis is pushing the open-borders, globalist migrant agenda very hard.
It’s funny, any time I read an article about this guy, he’s always pushing the globalist agenda…..but I rarely hear him talking about Jesus!
Wouldn’t you think the Pope should talk about Jesus 99% of the time and push political agendas 1% of the time or less?
Not so with this guy.
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In his homily this week, the message was “Be Not Afraid of Migrants”.
Oh my.
Here’s more, from CNA:
Pope Francis said Friday that people need to overcome their fear of migrants and refugees, and look for the face of Christ in each immigrant arriving in their countries.
“The Lord speaks to us today and asks us to let Him free us from our fears,” Pope Francis said in a homily Feb. 15 at the Fraterna Domus di Sacrofano, a Catholic retreat center north of Rome.
In fear, we tend to become closed off, Pope Francis explained. “This withdrawal into ourselves, a sign of defeat, increases our fear of ‘others,’ the unknown, the marginalized, the strangers.”“It is not easy to enter the culture of others, put yourself in the shoes of people so different from us, understand their thoughts and experiences. And so often we give up the meeting with the other and raise barriers to defend ourselves,” he continued.
“Faced with the wickedness and ugliness of our time, we … are tempted to abandon our dream of freedom. We feel legitimate fear in front of situations that seem to us with no way out. And the human words of a leader or prophet are not enough to reassure us,” he said.
However, when fear holds one back from encountering the stranger, it is a missed opportunity to practice charity, the pope explained.
“The meeting with the other, then, is also an encounter with Christ. He told us himself. It is He who knocks on our door hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick and imprisoned, asking to be met and assisted,” he said.“It is really Him, even if our eyes [struggle] to recognize Him: with broken clothes, with dirty feet, with a deformed face, with a wounded body, unable to speak our language,” Pope Francis added.
Pope Francis celebrated the opening Mass for a Feb. 15-17 gathering called, “Freedom from Fear,” a meeting of people and organizations dedicated to welcoming migrants. The event was organized by the Italian bishops conference and Caritas Italiana.
In the Mass, Pope Francis prayed that all pastors “know how to train all the baptized to welcome to migrants and refugees.”
Two years ago, he was pushing hard for Open Borders:
And here he was in August 2017 pus as told by the AP:
Pope Francis on Monday urged countries to greatly improve their welcome to migrants and stop collective expulsions, saying migrants’ dignity and right to protection trumps national security concerns.
Francis’ politically pointed message was made in view of the Catholic Church’s 2018 world refugee day, celebrated Jan. 14. It comes amid mounting anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe and beyond following waves of migrant arrivals and Islamic extremist attacks.
In the message, Francis demanded governments welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants, saying Jesus’ message of love is rooted in welcoming the “rejected strangers of every age.”
He demanded a simplified process of granting humanitarian and temporary visas and rejected arbitrary and collective expulsions as “unsuitable.” He said the principle of ensuring each person’s dignity “obliges us to always prioritize personal safety over national security.”
Francis has made refugees a priority of his pontificate, making his first trip outside Rome in 2013 to the island of Lampedusa, ground zero in Europe’s migration crisis. He has repeatedly spoken out for migrants’ rights, demanded countries build “bridges not walls,” and personally brought a dozen Syrian refugees back to Rome with him when he visited a Greek refugee camp in 2016.
Ignoring critics who say his calls are unrealistic and naive, Francis insisted in the new message that border guards must be trained to protect migrants and that each new arrival, regardless of legal status, must be guaranteed access to basic services beyond health care.
That extends to guaranteeing access to consulates, the justice system and the ability to open a bank account and survive financially, he said.
Unaccompanied minors, he said, require even greater protection, including guaranteeing them citizenship and access to schooling, as well as foster programs rather than detention centers.
He called for policies that support family reunification, employment opportunities and accelerated citizenship procedures to improve migrants’ abilities to integrate.
His call was immediately rejected by the leader of Italy’s anti-immigrant Northern League party, which has opposed government proposals to change Italy’s law to accelerate citizenship for children born in Italy to non-Italians.
Hey Pope, you love open-borders so much, how about tearing down that wall around the Vatican?
And don’t miss all of these very concerning stories involving Pope Francis:
How about the drug-induced, gay sex orgy that was lead by one of his top advisors? Read more about that here.
Or how about appointing a Universalist to a key doctrinal role at the Vatican? Read more about that here.
Or how about his deep concern for “mending fences with Islam”? Read about it here.
Or his constant attack on President Trump and Trump supporters? Doesn’t he have anything better to do? Read about it here.
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