New SORDID Details Emerge and Link Pope Francis to Scandal
We're going to warn you up front, these details are sordid, salacious and sickening. Ok, you've been warned. Stop reading now if you don't want to know any more. Here we go. As most of you know, the Catholic
We’re going to warn you up front, these details are sordid, salacious and sickening.
Ok, you’ve been warned.
Stop reading now if you don’t want to know any more.
Here we go.
As most of you know, the Catholic Church has been in the news recently for massive child sex scandals. While that’s always been a problem that’s plagued the catholic church, it’s ballooned in the past few days to a scandal of massive proportions.
Sadly, we’re not exaggerating. From an article we published last week:
The Catholic Church is reeling after a grand jury report in Pennsylvania found that possibly more than 1,000 children in six dioceses had been sexually abused by about 300 priests or higher ranking officials.
And that’s just ONE story from one city. The scandal has grown to include multiple countries.
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Not only has the scandal grown horizontally, it’s grown vertically….all the way to the top of the Vatican.
That’s right, to Pope Francis himself.
Last week, we ran two stories with two very high ranking officials within the Vatican accusing Pope Francis of knowing all about the scandal and covering it up! Read about those here and here.
As if a coverup weren’t bad enough, now a new report just emerged and it’s much worse. It’s gone beyond coverup and into involvement.
From our friends over at LifeSite, here are all the details (remember, you’ve been warned):
Pope Francis gave a Vatican apartment to a priest who was later caught hosting a drug-fueled homosexual orgy in that same apartment despite being warned about the priest’s grave problems, a highly placed Vatican source told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview.
It was Francis himself, the source said, who made sure that a homosexual secretary of his friend Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio would obtain a privileged apartment in the Vatican.
Cardinal Coccopalmerio, then president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, and one of Pope Francis’ closest collaborators and ardent supporters, had spoken in 2014 about the “positive elements” in homosexual relationships.
Vatican police arrested Coccopalmerio’s secretary Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, in a raid last year after they broke up the cocaine-fueled homosexual party in the Vatican apartment next to St. Peter’s Basilica.
Vatican gendarmerie had conducted the raid on the homosexual orgy after tenants in the building complained repeatedly about constant traffic of visitors at all hours of the night to the building – which was used by various high-ranking churchmen, including prefects, presidents and secretaries to the Roman Curia.
LifeSiteNews’ source in Rome said that then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) Cardinal Gerhard Müller had tried to get an apartment for one of his secretaries at the Palazzo del Sant’Ufficio, where the CDF is also located. There was an apartment free at the time of Müller’s inquiry, and the cardinal submitted a request for his secretary.
But then, the source said, Pope Francis informed Cardinal Müller via a personal note that this apartment was not available for his secretary because Cardinal Coccopalmerio needed it for his secretary Luigi Capozzi.
“That was then the same apartment which – in the summer of 2017, and after complaints from neighbors – was raided by the police,” the source said, “in order to end a homo party with large amounts of cocaine, which Capozzi himself – at the Palazzo del Sant’Ufficio – had organized for his homosexual friends.”
LifeSiteNews had inquired with another well-informed Vatican source about the then-breaking Viganò story and the archbishop’s allegations that Pope Francis knew of Archbishop McCarrick’s serial abuse of seminarians and priests.
In the course of the discussion of Vatican handling of sexual abuse claims, the source stated that the pope had been made aware of issues with Capozzi, however, he let him have the apartment anyway.
“Pope Francis had been informed by someone about Luigi Capozzi’s problems,” the source said, “but he gave him anyway the apartment.”
Confirming Viganò’s claim of prior restrictions placed upon then Cardinal McCarrick, that initial source also told LifeSiteNews as well that several people in the Vatican knew about the restrictions imposed by Pope Benedict XVI.
This Pope is bad news and needs to GO! Either resign or be removed.
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