STUNNING! New Research Shows Babies Can Recognize Faces In The Womb!
The science against "pro choice" abortions just took another leap forward. New research out about babies in the womb is absolutely stunning and makes it extremely hard for anyone to ever justify abortion, especially in the
The science against “pro choice” abortions just took another leap forward.
New research out about babies in the womb is absolutely stunning and makes it extremely hard for anyone to ever justify abortion, especially in the third trimester.
Read More: Hillary Clinton Wanted Abortion Up To One Day Before Birth!
The research shows that even while babies are still in the womb, they have an ability to recognize faces! With light coming through the womb, babies would consistently turn their face to look at shapes that resembled human faces, even positioning correctly to eyes and noses.
Since a baby in the womb has obviously never seen a face before, scientists have no choice but to suggest the ability to recognize human faces is innately instinctual. Almost as if placed there by a creator! Stunning!
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You can find the scientific research here, and for everyone else here is the bombshell new report, from the Science section of The Telegraph:
Babies can recognise faces while still in the womb, new research suggests.
Incredible moving images of unborn infants before their birth, shows that they turn their heads towards shapes which resemble faces – with the position of eyes and nose picked out.
But when they see a random shape, they ignore it, scientists atLancaster University have found.
The finding suggests that the instinct to recognise facial features develops before a baby has even see its first face.
It also shows that an unborn baby’s senses are already well developed and parents should begin interacting with their child while it is still in the womb.
Professor Vincent Reid, a psychologist at Lancaster University who led the research: “The fetus in the third trimester actively seeks out information.
“In our study they had to move their head to keep looking at the face-like stimulus when we moved it away from them. So they are active participants in finding information from the environment. What this means is that other ways of interacting with the fetus can be considered.
“The fetus in the third trimester can hear very well. I would encourage expecting parents to read books out loud to each other. This can help with bonding and could be beneficial.”
The researchers shone dots of light arranged to look either like the eyes and mouth of a human face through the uterus wall of 39 expectant mothers who were 34 weeks (8 months) pregnant.
Babies after birth are known to prefer looking at dots of light arranged in this shape.
The scientists used computer modelling to see how the light would change as it passes through the mother’s skin and abdomen so they could produce the same arrangement of light.
Their study, which is published in the journal Current Biology, showed that when this face-like image was projected through the uterus, the babies turned their heads to look at it.
When a similar arrangement of light that was used to make the face look upside down, and so harder to recognise as a face, the fetuses did not react.
Dr Reid added: “We know from babies that they prefer to look at faces more than any other stimulus.
“We have now shown that the foetus can distinguish between different shapes, preferring to track face-like over non-face-like shapes.
“The newborn has very poor visual acuity so the fetus will have a similarly poor ability to focus. So whatever the fetus sees is likely to be blurry.”
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