Matthew McConaughey Reveals Biblical Inspiration Behind His Son’s Name
There are good people in Hollywood. While the rest of Hollywood (HollyWeird?) seems to be burning in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, which many believe is only the tip of the iceberg with many
There are good people in Hollywood.
While the rest of Hollywood (HollyWeird?) seems to be burning in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, which many believe is only the tip of the iceberg with many more big names to fall soon, we wanted to bring you a story about one of the good guys.
Matthew McConaughey.
Sure, he’s not perfect, but we loved this story and had to share it with you.
I’ve always liked McConaughey, but I never knew much about him until watching this interview. Wow was I impressed!
The clip is 5 minutes long, with the first couple minutes talking about his new movie, Stephen King’s The Dark Tower.
But it really gets good in the second half, where he talks about his family and how he named all three of his kids. He talks about Levi, how that’s another name in the Bible for Matthew. Of course, his name is Matthew, and he says his favorite Bible verse has always been Matthew 6:22 which says: “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light.”
Awesome verse. With Matthew 6:22 being his favorite verse in the Bible and his own name being Matthew, he says they were considering Matthew Jr. for the name. But they had a list of 6 possible names and one of those other ones was Levi. He says he liked Levi better than Matthew Jr. because he wasn’t sure he wanted him to be a Jr.
But there were still 4 other names on the list and they were undecided even when the baby was born. But then God intervened. Which is really the only way to can interpret the story, because the doctor walked in an hour later and says “Your son was born at 6:22, what do you want to name him?” Well, that’s about all you need to know! The other 4 names were gone and he knew it had to be Levi!
Take a look:
Read More: Matthew McConaughey Says It’s Time to Give President Trump a Chance
I also loved his story about his third son, Livingston. What a cool name in general. Living-Son. Living-Stone. A lot of meaning in that name.
But I love the way he chose it. He says he had met a few Livingstons in his life and all had a presence about them. And so he turned it into a first name. And I bet it will suit his son very well!
What do you think? Did you know all of this about McConaughey? Do you have a new level of respect for him?
Comment below, we’d love to hear your thoughts!
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name be the glory
Because of Your love and your faithfulness!
Kristin Taylor November 7, 2017
I love this!! I never knew Mathew was a Christian, but I too, have always enjoyed watching him share his gifts. I love that he is making a statement for God by sharing the story of his kid’s names and actually saying scripture from the living word! Love it! There is power behind names and numbers! Very neat! Thanks for sharing this!