Franklin Graham Has URGENT Message For All Parents
I'm a big fan of Franklin Graham. He's not afraid to say what needs to be said. And often, what needs to be said is what the Bible says. But that makes many people nervous because
I’m a big fan of Franklin Graham. He’s not afraid to say what needs to be said.
And often, what needs to be said is what the Bible says. But that makes many people nervous because it goes against the current culture. Many fear political backlash.
But Franklin Graham will speak up even when it’s dangerous. And he just did in a big way.
Graham warns us that a stunning and very scary new law was just passed in Canada, our neighbors to the north. The law, from Ontario, called Bill 89, gives the government the right to TAKE AWAY your children if you don’t agree with their “gender expression”!
Are you kidding me? It’s true! Here is his post:
So instead of being a good parent and teaching your children what the Bible says, if your son thinks he’s a girl, you have to encourage it or else risk the government taking your kids away!
Folks, this is very scary! We have to speak out about this madness!
If you think this is ABSOLUTELY WRONG, please LIKE + SHARE this article to make it go viral…..together we can send a big message!
And for those who doubt if this story is true, you can find the full report on Breitbart.com. Here’s a portion of the breaking news story:
Bill 89, “Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017,” was approved on June 1 by a vote of 63 to 23.
The Minister of Children and Youth Services, Michael Coteau, who introduced the bill, said earlier this year that a parent’s failure to recognize and support a child’s gender self-identification is a form of child abuse, and a child in these circumstances should be removed from the situation and placed into protection.
“I would consider that a form of abuse, when a child identifies one way and a caregiver is saying no, you need to do this differently,” Coteau said. “If it’s abuse, and if it’s within the definition, a child can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops.”
The new bill replaces the Child and Family Services Act, or Bill 28, which governed child protection, foster care and adoption services.
While “gender identity” and “gender expression” are included in the new legislation as important factors to be considered in determining “the best interests of the child,” the religious faith in which the parents are raising the child—present in former laws—has been removed from consideration for assessing the child’s best interests.
Child protection agents, adoption service providers and judges are now required to take into account and respect a child’s “race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.”
The former law stated that the parent of a child in care has the right “to direct the child’s education and religious upbringing.” The new law has removed that consideration, saying parents can direct the child’s education and upbringing “in accordance with the child’s or young person’s creed, community identity and cultural identity.”
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