What Happens When You Pray and They Aren’t Healed?
There are many obstacles to praying for people to be healed. Sometimes we don't believe God heals today. We tackled that in a previous post: The Best Teaching on Healing You'll Ever Hear. If you haven't
There are many obstacles to praying for people to be healed.
Sometimes we don’t believe God heals today. We tackled that in a previous post: The Best Teaching on Healing You’ll Ever Hear. If you haven’t heard that message, you need to click over there right now and listen to it. And by the way, the headline doesn’t refer to our post, it refers to a brilliant and humble heart teaching from Pastor Dan Mohler. It’s from Day 1 of a Healing School he taught recently, and he absolutely lays the best foundation for teaching of anyone I’ve ever heard.
So let’s say you’ve read that and you believe God does heal today, but you might still be lacking the confidence to step out and actually pray for someone. One of the most common things we hear people say are “What if I pray for them and nothing happens?” “What if I pray and they aren’t healed…what then?” It’s a stumbling block that stops many from praying, or sometimes derails your progress when you pray for someone and don’t see anything change.
Even Dan says there are things he isn’t yet seeing. He says “I’ve seen a lot, but I haven’t seen enough.” There are people Dan prays for that don’t get healed. Dan talks about how there are times when he can pray for 5 people with the same disease and see all 5 instantly healed and then he goes to the 6th person brimming with faith and confidence and nothing happens. Why? What do you do in that situation?
Dan tackles that topic in this amazing message. It’s Day 3 of his Healing School and he takes questions in a Q&A session where this question comes up. Dan gives the best response I’ve ever heard and it’s a very humbling response that we all need to take to heart.
Please enjoy this message and if you were blessed by it, please SHARE SHARE SHARE so more people can hear it. It’s time for the Body of Christ to wake up!
Romans 8:19: For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.
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