Pope Francis New Heresey: ‘The Presence Of God Is Also Called Rohingya”
Another day, another new heresy for "Pope" Francis. We have been very tough on the "Pope" here at LivingGospelDaily. We think he is a wolf masquerading in sheep's clothing. Nothing he does or says seems to
Another day, another new heresy for “Pope” Francis.
We have been very tough on the “Pope” here at LivingGospelDaily. We think he is a wolf masquerading in sheep’s clothing. Nothing he does or says seems to honor and hold high the name of Jesus. Rather, every time he opens his mouth he’s promoting climate change, violent immigrants, or any number of other far-left talking points.
Here are some of those articles, in case you missed them:
Pope Francis’ Top Aid Busted in Drug-Fueled Gay Sex Orgy
Pope Francis Accused of New Heresy
Pope Francis: You Must Believe in Climate Change
Pope Francis Sees a PsychoTherapist to “Clarify Some Things”
Pope Francis: We Must Live With the Rape and Terror of Migrants
The Pope? How about The Poop? Am I right?
I joke, but it’s a very important topic. In fact, sometimes you have to joke to cut the tension of such a serious situation. You see, there’s good reason to believe this Pope is not just bad news but the actual False Prophet from the Book of Revelation.
Why? Many reasons (see above) but the main one seems to be that he never speaks of the God of the Bible. He never speaks of Jesus. He never speaks of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. No, he’s always spouting off about other gods.
Like what he just said this week when he said “God is also called Rohingya.”
Oops! Bad move, Pontiff. I assure you, that most definitely is NOT found anywhere in the Bible. DOZENS of names for God in the Bible, and I don’t recall one of them being “Rohingya”.
Get ready folks, next he will be saying God is also known as Apollo, Apollyon, Shiva, Nimrod, Zeus. You get the idea.
Read More: Why Does Pope Francis Have a Big Black Eye?
Here’s more of the story, from NPR:
Pope Francis met with a group of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh on Friday, offering them blessings and hearing their stories — and specifically mentioning the Muslim minority by name, something he avoided doing during his visit to Myanmar, where Rohingya have faced persecution.
“The presence of God today is also called ‘Rohingya,’ ” the pope said, at the end of an interfaith meeting that was held in the garden of the archbishop’s residence in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
The refugees had traveled from the city of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, where more than 620,000 people have sought refuge amid a violent military crackdown against the Rohingya in Myanmar’s Rakhine state that began in late summer. In speaking to them, the pope asked for their forgiveness on behalf of those who have wronged them and those who have ignored them.
“Pope Francis was visibly moved as he met the refugees who fled a military crackdown in Myanmar to neighboring Bangladesh,” NPR’s Sylvia Poggioli reports from Dhaka, Bangladesh, where she’s been traveling with the pope.
“The pope grasped the hands of the 12 men, two women and two young girls and listened intently to their stories,” Sylvia says. “The pope told them, ‘Dear brothers and sisters, we are close to you. And on behalf of all those who have harmed you and of the indifference of the world,’ the pope added, ‘I ask forgiveness. Let us not close our hearts and look away.’ ”
Francis met with the refugees in Bangladesh days after he met with Myanmar President Htin Kyaw and nominal leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and spoke about the need to respect all ethnic identities and resolve conflicts through dialogue.
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name be the glory
Because of Your love and your faithfulness!
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