NEW INFO: Why The End Times of Ezekiel 38-39 May Be NOW
More has been written on Ezekiel 38-39 than perhaps any other two chapters in the Bible. Why? Because they describe the great battle of Armageddon. The End Times battle. The battle of Gog & Magog. The
More has been written on Ezekiel 38-39 than perhaps any other two chapters in the Bible.
Why? Because they describe the great battle of Armageddon. The End Times battle. The battle of Gog & Magog. The battle in which Jesus rides in on a white horse and vanquishes the Devil once and for all.
So you can see why it inspires intense study and commentary!
This leads into the great discussions about whether the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation (pre trib), in the of the Tribulation (mid trib), or after the Tribulation (post trib). Or….whether there is a Rapture event at all!
So many competing opinions! So many researchers that are absolutely convinced they are right!
In this article we aren’t interested in debating those opinions. In fact, in the video clip below, L.A. Marzulli explains his position is “pan trib” meaning he thinks it will all pan out in the end!
But more importantly, Marzulli explains how vitally important it is that we “get in the game”! Why? Because he believes all the sign posts of Ezekiel 38-39 are now falling directly into place! Even a couple years ago, we couldn’t see critical things like Turkey’s role, but now they are where the Bible says they will be in the last days.
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