The Power Of Fasting Done Right
Ever heard of the "Atomic Power of Fasting"? It's actually a book by Franklin Hall called [easyazon_link identifier="1614279462" locale="US" tag="s0d58f-20"]"Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer"[/easyazon_link]. Details from Amazon here: [easyazon_infoblock align="none" identifier="1614279462" locale="US" tag="s0d58f-20"] If you've listened
Ever heard of the “Atomic Power of Fasting”?
It’s actually a book by Franklin Hall called “Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer”.
Details from Amazon here:
If you’ve listened to Dan Mohler teach on fasting before, then you’ve probably heard of that book because Dan recommends it as one of the only books (other than the Bible) that I’ve ever heard him recommend.
For a while it was out of stock on Amazon, but now it looks like it’s back in stock and available for Prime.
I’ve put links to Dan’s two best teachings on fasting below, and I guarantee they will really challenge and inspire you if you take the time to listen.
But here’s a quick highlight….
Did you know the Bible says “if you sin” and “when you fast”? Yet if you talked to almost any modern Christian, they would say those phrases this way: “if you fast” and “when you sin”.
Dan spins both of those on their heads and challenges the way we live.
But most importantly he backs it up with the Bible.
Anyway, please enjoy these two messages and comment below about your experience with fasting, I’d love to read your experiences.
Here’s Where You Can Get The Book
As I said above, the book Dan recommends is (as of the time of writing this article) back in stock and available on Amazon.
We’ve got the link for you right here:
And here’s one more from the same author:
Hope this is a blessing for you!
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