The False Prophet Pope Wants to “Mend Fences” With Islam!
Are you kidding me? There is no mending fences with this radical, demonic ideology! How's that for a statement! It's called taking a stand, and this Pope doesn't seem able to do that
Are you kidding me? There is no mending fences with this radical, demonic ideology!
How’s that for a statement! It’s called taking a stand, and this Pope doesn’t seem able to do that…UNLESS it’s a stand for Islam.
Something doesn’t add up! I firmly believe this is the False Prophet of Revelation.
Here’s the breaking story, from Reuters News:
Pope Francis arrives in Cairo on Friday hoping to mend ties with Islamic religious leaders just as Egypt’s ancient Christian community faces unprecedented pressure from Islamic State militants who have threatened to wipe it out.
In an address to the Egyptian people this week, Francis spoke of his hope that his visit would help bring peace and encourage dialogue and reconciliation with the Islamic world.
But it comes at a painful time for Egypt’s Copts, the Middle East’s largest Christian community, three weeks after Islamic State suicide bombers killed 45 people in twin church bombings.
Read the full article here: http://news.trust.org/item/20170428072259-2f1c1
Mend fences huh?
So Pope Francis wants to mend fences with these barbarians, yet they are drowning, burning or beheading hundreds of Christians on a daily basis! Total lunacy!
READ MORE >> Perfect Irony, Wild Boars Eat ISIS Fighters!
Still need more proof that we’re dealing with the False Prophet?
Here you go:
Just look at that face! Sure looks like a lovey-dovey, good guy to me! Right? …..Right?
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