“Multiple ISIS Fighters Eaten By Wild Boars”….2 Kings 2:23-24?
King Solomon famously wrote "there is nothing new under the Sun." In other words, history tends to repeat itself. We tend to see the same things happen over and over. Another famous saying goes "he who
King Solomon famously wrote “there is nothing new under the Sun.”
In other words, history tends to repeat itself. We tend to see the same things happen over and over. Another famous saying goes “he who doesn’t know history tends to repeat it.”
Why do I say all of this? Because a recent story in the news just jumped out to me. Read more here.
Here’s the headline: “Multiple ISIS fighters mauled and killed by wild boars.” Incredible story right? ISIS, the most vicious and evil group on the face of the Earth today, many say the spirit of the evil Assyrians reincarnated, have been responsible for thousands of deaths of Christians and non-Christians across the world. As President Trump says, “You have a hard time looking at what’s happening…it’s like the Middle Ages again. This is stuff we haven’t seen happen in 800 years!”
So I’m not going to lose any sleep when we see these barbarians killed. Less of them on the Earth is a good thing!
But it’s such an odd story. Here we have a vicious fighting group of terrorists somehow taken down by wild boar? I mean, you couldn’t write a more crazy story if you tried! And yet, it’s real.
Actually, you could write a similar story, and it occurred at 2 Kings 2:23-24. Here it is:
23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!”
24 So he turned around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the Lord. And two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.
So what’s going on here? Many people question these verses as very odd and ask how God could allow such a thing to happen.
A fantastic answer is given here, by our friends at AnswersInGenesis. The short story is that these were not kids. They were likely late teenagers, we’re talking 16-19 years in age. Not little innocent kids. Street toughs. They were out looking for trouble, and more specifically they were attempting to thwart the man of God, Elisha and his God-ordained work. In addition, it was not just 1 or 2 of them. The second verse tells us there were 42 of them! Picture a street gang with bad intentions.
Elisha had finally had enough and…..don’t miss this…..”in the name of the Lord” he pronounced a curse on them and bears came out of the woods and ate all 42 of them! What a wild story with broad-based implications for our faith and the Power of the Name of Jesus!
I just have to wonder if something similar didn’t happen here with ISIS. Did someone curse ISIS in Jesus name and all of a sudden wild board emerged from the woods or from the desert and ate their fill of ISIS swine?
Also, you have to just LOVE the irony of these Muslims being eaten by pork! I truly believe God has a big sense of humor!
Thoughts? Comment below please! And SHARE this article if it made you think!
Debbie Douglas May 30, 2017
Pigs are smart animals and they eat table scaps and trash.
Joseph Schiavone September 23, 2017
This is a pretty awesome story, thanks for bringing it up. And i do think that God has a sense of humor, although in this case i think it was rather justice !