Pope Francis: It’s Better To Be An Atheist Than a Bad Christian
What in the world? What is wrong with this guy? If he were trying to dispel fears that he's the False Prophet of Revelation as many have claimed, he's doing a terrible job! Read More: Pope Francis Sides
What in the world?
What is wrong with this guy?
If he were trying to dispel fears that he’s the False Prophet of Revelation as many have claimed, he’s doing a terrible job!
Read More: Pope Francis Sides With Muslims Against Jews
Read More: Pope Francis Says Society Must Accept Rape and Terror of Migrants!
Pope Francis hit the news again recently with another absurd, heretical claim. This time, he’s making the case about how it’s better to be an atheist than a “bad Christian.”
I’m sorry….what was that again Pontiff?
What Pope worth their salt (hey, maybe that’s an apropos word right there, as in the Pillars of Salt from Sodom and Gomorrah!) would say it’s good to be an atheist in any circumstance? It just doesn’t make any sense!
But yet good old Francis said it. Of course he did.
From the Chicago Tribune:
During a homily in Rome on Thursday, Pope Francis said that if you’re a hypocritical Christian, one who exploits people, leads a double life or manages “dirty” business, then “it’s better to be an atheist,” reported CNN.
“So many Christians are like this, and these people scandalize others,” the Pope said during his sermon of the morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta. “To be a Catholic like that, it’s better to be an atheist. It is that: scandal,” he said.
The story was confirmed by The Guardian:
Pope Francis has delivered another criticism of some members of his own church, suggesting it was better to be an atheist than one of many Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life.
In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.
“There are those who say, ‘I am very Catholic, I always go to mass, I belong to this and that association’,” the head of the 1.2 billion-member Roman Catholic church said, according to a Vatican Radio transcript.
He said some of these people should also say “‘my life is not Christian, I don’t pay my employees proper salaries, I exploit people, I do dirty business, I launder money, [I lead] a double life’.”
“There are many Catholics who are like this and they cause scandal,” he said. “How many times have we all heard people say ‘if that person is a Catholic, it is better to be an atheist’.”
So what’s your take on the whole story?
Is this (yet again) a case of the Pope being “misquoted”? Boy, it sure is weird how often this Pope gets misquoted. Almost every time he opens his mouth!
Your thoughts? Comment below.
Richard D. Arnold April 13, 2018
Another Pope-bashing pronouncement which itself gives details that expose the blatant, misleading lie of the banner headline; click and read towards the end of the article, from which I quote:
He said some of these people should also say “‘my life is not Christian, I don’t pay my employees proper salaries, I exploit people, I do dirty business, I launder money, [I lead] a double life’.”
“There are many Catholics who are like this and they cause scandal,” he said. “How many times have we all heard people say ‘if that person is a Catholic, it is better to be an atheist’.”
It’s mind-boggling to think that folks from an organization entitled “livinggospeldaily” could be such blatant bearers of false witness, through the obvious lie of this title, and yet purport to be Christian is mind-boggling. Don’t they realize “Thou shalt not bear false witness” is not a suggestion, but a commandment? It’s pure evil to take his quote of what he suggests observers might say as a result of seeing evildoers who call themselves Christian, change it, then put it in a headline implying it is the Pope’s belief. And the evil of the blatant misquote and attempt to twist the truth clearly shows that the source of “livinggospeldaily” is indeed the father of lies.
Randy Bradley May 6, 2018
It is certainly not better for the person. But I can see how it might be better for those around them.
I would say… that from the perspective of presenting God’s light to the world. It does more damage to be a hypocritical Christian than it does to be an atheist. One of the reasons people reject the Gospel is all the “Christians” saying one thing and doing another. So if that is what the pope meant.. I might agree. But I am not sure if that is what he meant.
Cheryl Waters May 12, 2018
Headline is totally misleading it’s not what he said but your interpetion of what he is saying , also bearing false witness.
100 Bible Verses about
Julianna Stief May 19, 2018
Wenn die Übersetzung korrekt war, dann hat dieser Mann absolut recht und es ehrt ihn, gerade als Pabst, dieses Übel klar zu benennen. Ich als Kind habe wegen dieser Heuchelei der Erwachsenen, die sich bigott als aufrechte Christen nannten, sehr gelitten. Die uns Kindern, christliche Werte quasi reinprügelten, sie selbst aber zum Teufelkommraus schwerstens sündigten und wir diese Doppelmoral jeden Tag mitansehen mussten, vor ihnen zittern mussten (sogar Nonnen). Ich habe als 11 Jährige begonnen, absichtlich, mit übertriebener Aufmüppfigkeit dafür gesorgt, später in der Schule, aus dem Religionsunterricht, vom Pfarrer rausgeworfen zu werden. Das war die Rettung meiner wahren Religosität. Denn damals konnte ich weder verstehen, noch verwinden, (schließlich liebte und verehrte ich Gott), warum ein Priester, ein Kind im Beichstuhl zwingt, vor dem Angesicht des Herrn zu lügen; irgendwelche Sünden zu erfinden, um etwas im Beichstuhl zum Beichten zu haben, die dieser angeblicher Mann Gottes mir in den Mund legte – vorsagte – nachbohrte, und unbedingt hören wollte, um mich danach erst gnädig zur Erstkomunion zuzulassen. Denn die allgemeine Sichtweise von Erwachsenen ist es ja, Kinder stellen immer etwas an. Diese Frage: “Was” (!?) habe ich damals nicht verstanden, denn ich tat nichts von diesen schlimmen Dinge wie die Erwachsenen. Dieses Trauma hat meinen Glauben an Gott, Gerechtigkeit, Güte, Liebe, Mitgefühl fast zerstört, deshalb also mein Rauswurf und Kirchen-Hausverbot meine Rettung. Seit damals, bis heute, betrat ich keine Kirche mehr, nicht kirchlich geheiratet, meine Kinder nicht taufen lassen und habe jeglicher, sonstigen Religion-Konfession den Rücken gekehrt. Und jetzt kommt ein Kirchenoberhaupt und spricht mir aus der Seele. Spricht das aus, was ich als Kind fühlte, mich entsetzte und traurig machte. Wenn dieser Mann weiter diesen Kurs beibehält, könnte es mich vielleicht wieder zurückbringen. Aber auch nur, wenn er es auch schafft, den Saustall zu dem die Kirche verkommen ist, durch die Pädophilie hoher Würdenträger. (Raus mit diesem bigotten Pack) Bis dahin ziehe ich es vor, weiter auf direktem Weg mit Gott zu kommunizieren, dafür brauche ich nicht als Sprachrohr irgendeinen Menschen, der Gottes Werte mit Füßen tritt. Dann bin ich eben Atheist!!!