Pope Francis: Society Must Live With Rape and Terror of Migrants
How many times have I told you this Pope is no good? He's completely rotten. I'm not prone to hyperbole, but I really do wonder whether he is the False Prophet. Why? Oh, for any number of
How many times have I told you this Pope is no good?
He’s completely rotten.
I’m not prone to hyperbole, but I really do wonder whether he is the False Prophet.
Oh, for any number of reasons. Take your pick.
How about the drug-induced, gay sex orgy that was lead by one of his top advisors? Read more about that here.
Or how about appointing a Universalist to a key doctrinal role at the Vatican? Read more about that here.
Or how about his deep concern for “mending fences with Islam”? Read about it here.
Or his constant attack on President Trump and Trump supporters? Doesn’t he have anything better to do? Read about it here.
Ok, if none of that bothers you, how about this new one. In a new interview with the AP, the Pope said the following:
Pope Francis on Monday urged countries to greatly improve their welcome to migrants and stop collective expulsions, saying migrants’ dignity and right to protection trumps national security concerns.
Francis’ politically pointed message was made in view of the Catholic Church’s 2018 world refugee day, celebrated Jan. 14. It comes amid mounting anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe and beyond following waves of migrant arrivals and Islamic extremist attacks.
In the message, Francis demanded governments welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants, saying Jesus’ message of love is rooted in welcoming the “rejected strangers of every age.”
So the dignity of a jihadi terrorist who wants nothing else than to kill you TRUMPS national security concerns? Oh really? Not in my world, Pontiff, and I’m betting not in anyone else’s either!
You see, we’re funny that way. We dislike death. Unlike you.
No, the migrants’ “feelings” do NOT trump the safety and well-being of citizens of the world. Citizens who just want to live and not be stabbed in the streets by a jihadi.
We categorically reject your approval of their the Islamic rape and terror culture. It has no place in society. We refuse to accept it just to make the migrants feel better.
Are you kidding me?
This is absolute madness, and something only the Prince of Darkness himself would espouse.
And while we’re at it, stop invoking the name of Jesus you False Prophet! Jesus would not support a wave of migrants “Hell bent” (words chosen carefully) on raping, terrorizing and killing anyone in their path. No, I don’t think so!
If the migrants want help, they’d better assimilate into our society! Into a society that doesn’t stab and shoot each other in mass displays of terror in public.
Enough is enough, we’re done with jihadi terrorism and we’re done with YOU Pontiff!
Who agrees? Please LIKE + SHARE if you agree!
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name be the glory
Because of Your love and your faithfulness!
Joe Cicchelli August 22, 2017
Nancy McCabe August 22, 2017
Interesting…no authors name.
Pixie Stix August 26, 2017
you suck
Robert Rossi September 29, 2017
Is this even true???
Tea Party Supporter October 30, 2017
I don’t believe unless there is proof.
apprin October 31, 2017
Fake anti-Christian news !!! Don’t fall for it !!!
Midwest Mom November 26, 2017
This isn’t all that fake or untrue! My husband is a life-long, devoted Catholic, and he surprised me by saying more or less the same thing for the past couple of years. He does not trust, like, or respect this Pope, and it’s not because of anything he read on Facebook or social media. His thoughts and feelings are based on his own research and reading.
Patricia Gleitz February 28, 2018
I’ll stop following this site if I see any more daily negative articles on the Pope!
Roger Sheddy February 28, 2018
It should be easy to verify this by looking at official statements from the Vatican and Googling phrases that match some of the things describing the speech given having said that this one is just so much in satans camp that’s not even remotely funny how in the hell they got a creature like this to represent Jesus Christ on this Earth it must be that God has given the Catholic church over to the Antichrist so anyone who wants to follow God has to pretty much bailout I think
Neil Caswell March 19, 2018
LOL whoever wrote this is an utter moron.
J.E.Walker March 19, 2018
Can we get us a real Pope again? This one is off his rocker NUTZ!!!
why_mee March 19, 2018
buh bye, Patricia!
Cheryl Waters May 12, 2018
Headline is totally misleading it’s not what he said but your interpetion of what he is saying , also bearing false witness.
100 Bible Verses about
Malachi 3:5 English Standard Version (ESV)
5 “Then I will draw near to you for judgment. I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, against those who thrust aside the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the Lord of hosts.
Cheryl Waters May 12, 2018
Eleanor Cummings June 23, 2018
Good bye. The Pope is NOT God and cannot change the Lord’s words or His commandments.
Eleanor Cummings June 23, 2018
Watch his speeches on video.