???? Your Walls Are Salvation, Your Gates Are Praise ????
Anyone else love this song? It's called "My Deliverer" from Chris Tomlin, from the album [easyazon_link identifier="B005GIOYYY" locale="US" tag="s0d58f-20"]Hello Love[/easyazon_link]. The Hello Love album is perhaps Tomlin's best. I can listen to it straight through and never
Anyone else love this song?
It’s called “My Deliverer” from Chris Tomlin, from the album Hello Love.
The Hello Love album is perhaps Tomlin’s best. I can listen to it straight through and never hit a bad song. Easily one of my favorite albums of all time.

“My Deliverer”
I will wait for You to move
For Your mighty hand to save
When the trouble water rise
You are my hiding place
You are my hiding place
Your walls are salvation
Your gates are praise
My Deliverer
My Deliverer
My Deliverer
Is the Lord
Who is like You mighty God
Who can take me from Your hand
As I walk with You in freedom
You’re the Rock on which I stand
You’re the Rock on which I stand

If you want the whole album, you can find it on Amazon here:
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name be the glory
Because of Your love and your faithfulness!
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