Target Just Found a New Way To Anger Christians and Conservatives!
I guess Target learned nothing from its transgender bathroom scandal last year. You remember that don't you? The one that led to 1 million people boycotting target and millions of dollars in loss? Not to mention
I guess Target learned nothing from its transgender bathroom scandal last year.
You remember that don’t you? The one that led to 1 million people boycotting target and millions of dollars in loss? Not to mention tens of millions more to remedy the problem they created?
In case you somehow missed it, Target one day decided that in order to be “transgender friendly” it would allow any person, male or female, to use whatever bathroom or fitting room they “most identified with”. Let me break that down for you in case you don’t speak Snowflake. That means a burly 300 pound man can walk right into a Target women’s restroom, where you and your young daughter may be, as long as he says he identifies as female.
Ludicrous, right? Millions of Americans thought so as well, and Target learned a very costly lesson.
Or so we thought.
Because now it looks like Target hasn’t learned anything, and is instead doubling down on its efforts to completely alienate Christians and Conservatives. It’s latest creation is “Pride Month” for the month of June, where Target is honoring the Gay lifestyle and promoting it BIG LEAGUE in it’s stores.
Don’t believe me? Well, here we go…
Here’s their logo:
And here are some actual store displays, where they are flaunting it LOUD and PROUD:
And last but definitely not least, check out these shirts they are selling:
That’s right!
Many feature the Gay Rainbow and the two worst offenders say “I love my Moms” and “I love my Dads”.
This is propaganda at its worst, trying to influence and poison the minds of our kids before they know any better! Absolutely disgusting.
When asked for comment, Target issued this statement:
“We’re making our message loud and clear: Target proudly stands with the LGBT community, both as a team member and team player through all that we do – from our volunteer efforts to our long-standing partnerships with groups like Family Equality Council and Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, to the very products we carry in our stores and online,” said Laysha Ward, executive vice president and chief corporate social responsibility officer, Target.
What do you think? Is this enough for you to stop shopping at Target? Is it time to send a message? Time for #Boycott Target?
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Kimberly Ann May 20, 2017
I am a Christian and very proud to call myself a Child of God, this latest blasphemy from Target is not only offensive to Christians but also to God..I love the Lord and it angers me when ANYONE Offends the KING!!! I will never shop at Target.
Boycott Target!!!!!