Hillary Clinton’s Pastor’s Book Pulled From Shelves For “Massive Plagiarism”
Oops! Birds of a feather, huh? You might recall Hillary Clinton recently saying she wanted to become a pastor. Yes, true story! When asked what motivated that decision, she cited her pastor, Bill Shillady, as her inspiration. Well, I
Birds of a feather, huh?
You might recall Hillary Clinton recently saying she wanted to become a pastor. Yes, true story!
When asked what motivated that decision, she cited her pastor, Bill Shillady, as her inspiration.
Well, I know this will shock some of you, but Hillary Clinton just can’t stop associating with shady characters. Hey, “shady” and “Shillady” sound almost the same! How about that.
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Now comes news that the Reverend Shillady is reported to have plagiarized most of his book. So much so that it’s being pulled from shelves. Oh, say it ain’t so, Shady Shillady!
Way to go Hillary, you sure know how to pick winners….kind of like when you picked yourself to win as President! LOL!
Here are more details, from The Washington Post:
Hillary Clinton said that the email her spiritual adviser, the Rev. Bill Shillady, sent her on the morning after she lost the 2016 presidential election helped her heal from her devastating defeat.
It wasn’t until months later, when Shillady published that email in a book, that it came to light that he had plagiarized the words that so moved the candidate.
Now, less than a month after the book’s publication, the publishing house that printed it says it is pulling the book off the shelves because it’s riddled with plagiarism.
“Abingdon Press initiated an extensive review of the book and was alarmed to discover other content unattributed by the author. Abingdon Press has zero tolerance for plagiarism,” the Rev. Brian K. Milford, the president of the publishing company, said in a statement. “Consequently, we have discontinued sales, will remove existing copies from all sales outlets, and will have them destroyed along with our existing inventory.”
Shillady, who did not respond to a Washington Post reporter’s call on Tuesday evening, sent an emailed statement: “I deeply regret my actions. I was wrong and there is no excuse for it. I apologize to those whose work I mistakenly did not attribute. I apologize to those I have disappointed, including Secretary Hillary Clinton, Abingdon Press, and all the writers and others who have helped me publish and promote this book. I ask for everyone’s forgiveness.”
His book, “Strong for a Moment Like This,” compiled the emails that he and other pastors sent to Clinton every morning of her campaign. She read the morning emails, which contained a biblical passage, a short sermon and a prayer, throughout her grueling run for president.
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