EXPOSED: Teachers Tell All About The Anti-Family LGBT Agenda
This is extremely important. First, let's make this very clear. We here at LGD have nothing against LGBT people. We don't agree with their lifestyle, and we think it directly contradicts what the Bible teaches
This is extremely important.
First, let’s make this very clear. We here at LGD have nothing against LGBT people. We don’t agree with their lifestyle, and we think it directly contradicts what the Bible teaches…..and we will continue to stand firm on that truth in love.
But what we do have a problem with is the aggressive and often covert LGBT agenda that is designed, very specifically, to infiltrate our schools and our churches, targeting our children to accept this lifestyle as normal at extremely young ages. That is very wrong.
At its core, the goal is not to promote LGBT, it’s to tear down anything from God and from the Bible. If God said marriage is to be between a man and a woman, then the Luciferian agenda is to systematically deconstruct that institution.
If God places a high value on family, then the Luciferian agenda is to systematically destroy families and the family structure.
This is a well organized, shadow movement, and they know they can win if they can control the dialogue in the elementary schools. How do they know? Because they used this very same game plan at the college and university level decades ago and they’ve all but totally taken over those institutions. Institutions that were founded a century ago as Christian organizations (like Harvard, for example) are now fully cultural Marxist teaching organizations.
So they know they only need to roll out the same plan at the lower grades and they’ll have a much larger impact.
God bless people like these teachers below for standing up and speaking out!
Here you go, first video, 8 minutes where she brilliantly lays out what is happening:
Here is another:
This one is longer but absolutely fantastic. It describes the war not just on conservative values but more accurately against the God of the Bible YHWH:
And last, check this out, where he describes how the LGBT movement is targeting churches, not just schools:
Please help us share this very important message!
Folks, know what you are sending your kids to! It’s time we WOKE up, STOOD up and SPOKE up! The LGBT agenda is very organized, it’s time we did the same thing.
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name be the glory
Because of Your love and your faithfulness!
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