AMAZING! Students Told The Lord’s Prayer Must Be Removed From Graduation, Then THIS Happened!
I love this story so much! It gives me goosebumps every time I watch it! High school students are an amazing bunch of people, who often don't get enough credit. We need to raise the bar
I love this story so much! It gives me goosebumps every time I watch it!
High school students are an amazing bunch of people, who often don’t get enough credit. We need to raise the bar for these amazing young adults, they will rise to meet it!
Here’s what happened at East Liverpool High School. It had been a tradition at this high school for over 70 years that the Lord’s Prayer was sung at graduation. Sounds like a great tradition, doesn’t it? But due to a complaint from some atheist, the school immediately caved and had the prayer removed from the program.
Here’s the report, from local news channel WTOV9:
A 70-year tradition at East Liverpool High School was removed from the graduation ceremony, but students weren’t letting it go easily.
The Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation, which advocates for separation of church and state, got wind of the school’s prayer tradition. They told East Liverpool administrators they needed to stop their choir from singing the Lord’s Prayer at graduation.
Rather than fighting legal battles, the school removed the song from Sunday’s program. But instead of losing part of the ceremony, students decided to lead their own prayer.
Graduation at East Liverpool is filled with tradition, and this year students rejected change.
“I know a lot of my student body was uncomfortable with it, just because it is tradition to have prayer at our school,” said Cami Post, class of 2016 vice president.
“The idea of one person or 2 or 3 standing up and saying they don’t want prayer back in school or even singing or reciting is sad,” said Pastor Rodney Ohler, Salineville Assembly of God.
Ohler and members of his church stood outside to support keeping the prayer in school.
Many parents say they were disappointed with the administration’s decision, but some students and administrators say they don’t want the issue to outshine student accomplishments.
“I think my class is very gifted. I think my class is super talented and that should be the focus,” Post said.
School board president Larry Walton says they “got caught.” The decision not to fight to keep singing the Lord’s Prayer was all a matter of economics.
“We said ‘okay, we just won’t do it anymore.’ It was a decision made because we don’t have a lot of money and we’d rather hire teachers than pay lawyers,” Walton explained.
But this year’s graduates weren’t backing down quite as easily.
But that wasn’t the end of the story!
The students banded together and defied the administration! They stood up, on their own, and recited the Lord’s Prayer together! How amazing! Thank you to these brave and faith-led students, well done!
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Here’s the video, it’s only 2 minutes, be sure to watch to the end.
it's my opinion June 5, 2017