Subway Bows To Muslims In Over 200 Stores; Adds “Halal” Meat
MAJOR warning folks! It looks like we may have another company to boycott. As reported by the DailyMail, Subway has bowed to the demands of Muslims by removing ham and bacon from over 200 stores.
MAJOR warning folks!
It looks like we may have another company to boycott.
As reported by the DailyMail, Subway has bowed to the demands of Muslims by removing ham and bacon from over 200 stores. And here’s the worse part: they’ve replaced it with “Halal Meat”.
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You might say, that doesn’t sound so bad. But then I’d venture to guess you don’t know what Halal Meat is. It’s a very brutal, pagan and absolutely disgusting practice that requires
1) the animal to be killed with a sharp knife by cutting the windpipe and draining the blood while the animal is conscious (hmmm, sounds a lot like ISIS to me!)
2) shouting Allah akbar three times (also sounds a lot like ISIS to me!)
Don’t believe me? From the DailyMail:
To be halal, the food must have come from a supplier that uses halal practises. Specifically the slaughter must be performed by a Muslim, who must invoke the name of Allah prior to killing the animal. Commonly a person will say ‘Bismillah’ (‘In the name of God’) before repeating ‘Allahu akbar’ (‘God is the greatest’) three times.
The animal is then slaughtered with a sharp knife, by cutting the throat, windpipe and blood vessels in the neck without cutting the spinal cord. The blood must then be drained from the veins of the animal.
Traditionally and according to Islamic scholars an animal must be conscious while slaughtered.
Folks, this is not just some quaint little religious custom. This is outright satanic, pagan worship. And they’ve now forced Subway to participate in it for the supply chain to over 200 stores.
If you can’t recognize how evil this practice is, then you’re not thinking clearly. It’s wrong on both a physical and spiritual level.
Absolutely sickening.
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Here are more details about the change at Subway, from the DailyMail:
-185 branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat
-Halal refers to objects or actions permissible under Islamic law
-Pork is forbidden and while other meat can be eaten, it must be sourced, slaughtered and processed according to strict rules
-Subway said all halal meat served in its branches has come from animals that were stunned before being slaughtered
-Halal-only menu is in response to ‘strong demand’ from Muslim customersIt has confirmed turkey ham and turkey rashers will be used instead in 185 of its stores, where all the meat will now be prepared according to halal rules.
The chain, which has around 1,500 outlets across the UK, explained its decision by saying it had to balance animal welfare concerns with ‘the views of religious communities’.
Nearly 200 Subway branches across the UK and Ireland have cut out ham and bacon, selling only halal meat, in response to demand from their multicultural customers.
Traditional halal slaughter sees animals have their throats slit before bleeding to death. But Subway stressed that the meat served in its sandwiches would come from animals that have been stunned first, a practice that aims to reduce any suffering.
In Arabic the word halal means ‘permitted’ or ‘lawful’ and defines anything that is allowed or lawful according to the Qur’an.
It is often used to indicate food – particularly meat – has been prepared in accordance with Muslim principles and techniques.
Muslims are forbidden from eating any non-halal food and meat from pigs and Subway said customers can identify those stores selling halal food by the special ‘All meats are Halal’ sign, which must be displayed in participating branches.
In the halal-only branches ham and bacon has been substituted for turkey ham and rashers.
Many animal charities condemn halal slaughter as being cruel to animals.
Traditionally in halal abattoirs the throats of the animals are cut while they are fully conscious – an act many campaigners say is inhumane and needlessly cruel.
Fast food giant Subway has removed ham and bacon from almost 200 outlets, and switched to halal meat alternatives in an attempt to please its Muslim customers.
Now why do you suppose Islam requires meat to be prepared this way? Just for pure brutality? As a pagan ritual?
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What do YOU think? Please comment below!
As for me and my house, we serve:
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name be the glory
Because of Your love and your faithfulness!
Betty W House July 24, 2017
Goodbye Subway
121894 July 26, 2017
Im done. No more Subway.
Gabby July 26, 2017
NO MORE SUBWAY. WHY? WHAT ABOUT YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS? YOU HAVE INSULTED ME. WHAT ABOUT PLEASING ME? GOOD BYE. Fast food giant Subway has removed ham and bacon from almost 200 outlets, and switched to halal meat alternatives in an attempt to please its Muslim customers. IT WILL NOT BE LONG BEFORE IT COMES TO THE STATES! CATERING TO ONE GROUP. IT IS SO WRONG and SAD. Bye Bye Subway.
Thomas Drapela October 29, 2017
What amazes me is that the Jewish people do not eat bacon or ham or pork and they have lived in the USA for centuries and we never heard a peep out of them to force us to change our ways, they just avoided those meats. Is that because Jews are smarter than Muslims and know how to practice their religion without interfering in our daily lives? Hug a Jew Today and thank them for being true Americans!
Zarkia October 29, 2017
Please don’t call these practices Pagan. As a Pagan I am horrified by the way they kill the animals. it is very inhumane. I will not be eating at Subway again, which is a shame because I love the sweet onion sauce.
Charles Sroka October 29, 2017
Valerie Beaver October 29, 2017
Lol good thinking!
Ei Norman October 29, 2017
Subway, you have made a very serious mistake. You bowed down to pagans and threw Christians under the bus. Kindly remember that Christians DO NOT eat foods offered to idols. You will most definitely be the losers here.
Werdeh Hassan February 1, 2018
The method of killing an animal in Islam is actually the most humane because it is pain free and swift. There are many nonmuslims who actually eat halal or kosher (which are similar) because of be way animals are treated. Do you know how regular meat and chicken is made? The cruelty and abuse that goes into the sanwhich that you are eating? Halal offers a clean and cruelty free option. How can you deny that? Isis isn’t Islam, you sound completely ignorant. You words show ignorance, insensitivity and arrogance- not like someone who is living by the gospel.