Stunning: New Law in America Could Give JAIL TIME For Not Using Proper Transgender Words!
That's right folks. This is not "Fake News" either
That’s right folks.
This is not “Fake News” either….I wish it was.
No, it’s very true. Right here in America, California to be exact (are you really surprised?) a new Bill has been introduced, and is moving through legislature, that will give penalties for not using the “proper transgender pronouns” when referring to Transgendered people!
That’s right…jail time. For calling a he a she, or a she a he, or who knows what else.
Read More: Franklin Graham on How God Views Transgenders
Read More: Evangelical Support for Transgender Ban in Military
Here is the link to the bill in case you’re curious.
Here are more details, from The Daily Caller:
A bill that passed the California state senate and is now moving through the Assembly could threaten jail time for anyone who refuses to use a transgender person’s preferred pronoun.
The law is currently limited in its effects to nursing homes and intermediate-care facilities, but if passed, those who “willfully and repeatedly” refuse “to use a transgender resident’s preferred name or pronouns” could be slapped with a $1,000 fine and up to one year in prison, according to the California Heath and Safety code. The state senate passed the bill 26-12 at the end of May. Since then, the Assembly Judiciary committee recommended the bill unanimously and the General Assembly held its first hearing on the legislation Wednesday.
“How can you believe in free speech, but think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others?” Greg Burt of the California Family Council testified in July. “This is not tolerance. This is not love. This is not mutual respect. True tolerance tolerates people with different views. We need to treat each other with respect, but respect is a two-way street. It is not respectful to threaten people with punishment for having sincerely held beliefs that differ from your own.”
Titled the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term Care Facility Residents Bill of Rights,” the legislation also requires nursing homes and care facilities to allow residents to use the bathroom of their choice, regardless of biological sex. The bill’s author, state Sen. Scott Weiner, argues that religious views don’t hold weight in public areas. (RELATED: Texas ‘Bathroom Bill’ Dies State House Again As Special Session Ends)
“Everyone is entitled to their religious view,” Weiner said. “But when you enter the public space, when you are running an institution, you are in a workplace, you are in a civil setting, and you have to follow the law.”
Experts argue it is “pretty unlikely that, if this law is enacted, such prohibitions would be limited just to this [nursing home] scenario,” UCLA First Amendment scholar Eugene Volokh told National Review. Volokh speculates that lawmakers chose to apply the bill to nursing homes not because there is an overabundance of transgender seniors in the state, but because the demographic group is likely to garner sympathy.
And more here, from CBN News:
California is on its way to passing a new law that makes it illegal to call transgender senior citizens a pronoun they don’t like. For example, if an elderly person who was born male and lives in a long-term care facility wishes to be called “her” or “she,” the workers there had better do it or face the consequences. The proposed law would even apply to Christian facilities.
SB 219, titled the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term Care Facility Resident’s Bill of Rights,” states, “It shall be unlawful for a long-term care facility or facility staff to…. willfully and repeatedly fail to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns.” It imposes fines and jail time on any long-term care employee who refuses to use transgender pronouns. Fines for repeat offenders could be as high as $1,000 and a jail term of up to a year.
The bill will also mandate bathrooms and rooming situations be designated by gender identity and not biological sex. There are no exemptions for long term care facilities run by religious institutions who integrate their beliefs about gender into their policies and practices.
Critics of the law fought against it. California Family Council’s Greg Burt testified before the California Assembly Judiciary Committee saying, “How can you believe in free speech, but think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others?” He added, “Compelled speech is not free speech. Can the government compel a newspaper to use certain pronouns that aren’t even in the dictionary? Of course not, or is that coming next?”
What do YOU think?
When do we say enough is enough?
What if you can’t tell what gender they are?
Are we really going to allow this in America? I don’t know friends, this seems WAY over the line to me.
Please SHARE so everyone can be aware of what is happening in our own country! This is not Communist China, this is America!
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name be the glory
Because of Your love and your faithfulness!
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