Pastor Jim Bakker: “Christians Will Start a Civil War If Trump Impeached”
Pastor Jim Bakker has not been shy about his support for Donald Trump. A few weeks ago, we reported the story that Bakker believes God appointed Donald Trump for just a time as this. Read that
Pastor Jim Bakker has not been shy about his support for Donald Trump.
A few weeks ago, we reported the story that Bakker believes God appointed Donald Trump for just a time as this. Read that story here.
And now, in a major story just released by TheHill.com, Bakker just went on record again by saying if President Trump is impeached, he predicts Christians will start a second Civil War.
I don’t think he’s wrong.
While not all Christians love Donald Trump, many do. Probably most do. And many believe Donald Trump is finally giving them a voice!
Read More: Donald Trump Stands Up For Persecuted Christians!
So I don’t think Bakker’s off his rocker at all. In fact, people would be wise to listen to him.
Here’s a clip of what he had to say:
More details, from TheHill.com:
Televangelist Jim Bakker is predicting that Christians would begin a second civil war in the U.S. if President Trump were impeached.
“If it happens, there will be a civil war in the United States of America. The Christians will finally come out of the shadows, because we are going to be shut up permanently if we’re not careful,” he said on “The Jim Bakker Show” in a clip highlighted by Right Wing Watch.
He also warned that Christians are in danger of losing their voice in American society.
“God says faith without works is dead. We have to do things, God has been standing with me, and I don’t know about you, it’s time for preachers like you, you’ve been doing it, to stand up and shout out,” Bakker told a pastor on the show. Several House Democrats have signed on to a bill to impeach Trump.
Read More: Subway Bows to Muslims
What do YOU think?
Is Bakker right?
Would you be willing to fight if Trump were impeached?
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name be the glory
Because of Your love and your faithfulness!
BillyBobSpeaks September 1, 2017
Three comments:
1. If there remained any doubt that this individual was a nut-job, that doubt has been resolved in favor of the proposition.
2. These sorts of threats — even if utterly goofy — are not taken lightly, nor are they — in any shape, way, or form — Christian.
3. I for one am tired of this yapping. Throw down — talk is cheap.
Laoshir June 10, 2018
This is as bad as Benny Hinn threathening anyone who criticized his ministry. Obvioisly Jim Baaker is not the voic of every Christian.