“Don’t let your heart be troubled, Hold your head up high, Don’t fear no evil, Fix your eyes upon this one truth” ????
Hillsong United is back! Not that they ever went away, but if you missed the old sound of this album below, then I've got good news for you: that vibe is back! [easyazon_infoblock align="none" identifier="B003CAKCQM" locale="US" tag="s0d58f-20"] And
Hillsong United is back!
Not that they ever went away, but if you missed the old sound of this album below, then I’ve got good news for you: that vibe is back!
And one song in particular, Good Grace, I’ve had on repeat since I first heard it yesterday.
Oh wow.
I’m sure the rest of the album is good too, it’s just that I can’t get off this track to find out just yet! ????
For real.
I’ve got the YouTube link for you right here so you can watch totally free:
Here are the full lyrics, so powerful!
Come together
Strange as neighbours
Our blood is one
Of generations
Of every nation
Of kingdom come
Don’t let your heart be troubled
Hold your head up high
Don’t fear no evil
Fix your eyes upon this one truth
God is madly in love with you
Take courage
Hold on
Be strong
Remember where our help comes from
Our redemption
Our salvation
Is in His blood
Light of heaven
Friend forever
His kingdom come
Swing wide
All you heavens
Let the praise go up
As the walls come down
All creation
Everything with breath
Repeat the sound
All His children
Clean hands
Pure hearts
Good grace
Good God
His Name is Jesus
Here is a Worship Together clip, where they sing the song acoustic and then explain the meaning behind it.
I love this song for so many reasons!
The melody, the vibe, the lyrics, the meaning….it’s all spot on!
I think my favorite part has to be the Chorus:
Don’t let your heart be troubled
Hold your head up high
Don’t fear no evil
Fix your eyes upon this one truth
God is madly in love with you
Take courage
Hold on
Be strong
Remember where our help comes from
Honestly folks, if we could just learn this, deep down, learn it and BECOME it, that really is the heart of it right there.
Set your eyes on one truth….on Jesus!
And by the way, he likes you!
What more do you need to know?
If you want to buy the album, it’s currently on sale on Amazon:
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